Lay Servant Ministry

 What do you think of when you hear about Lay Servant Ministries?  Is it someone who wants to be a preacher without going the traditional route?  Is it someone who wants to better their knowledge and skills as a leader?  Whatever you think, I'd like you to think about this: Lay Servants are people with a heart to help by using the gifts they've been given to further the gospel of Jesus Christ, whether it's in a one-on-one situation, leading a small group, or filling the pulpit to give the pastor a break once in a while.  In the Las Misiones District, Lay Servant Ministries will be getting additional focus this year.  The team is actively planning training in conjunction with Laity Sunday in October.  Lay Servants can help you with leading ministries in your church, such as youth groups, child care, Sunday School classes for any age, outreach activities, or maybe even something you haven't thought of, yet.  The size of your congregation does not matter, but letting people know about this opportunity for joining the Lay Servant Ministry can only serve to help you spread the gospel.  More information about the LSM can be found at  Training is coming, get your people ready to learn, whether to lead a small group or for personal spiritual development.  Basic training and advanced class will be offered.  Watch for announcements!

Karen Brikelbach

Las Misiones Lay Servant Ministry Chair